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Customize your apps in record time!

The Womba Pilot allows companies in all sectors to create a latest generation and infinitely customizable VOD service.

Womba Pilot

The Womba Galaxy offers two customization modes for content publishers and OTT integrators: simplified customization via our one-click graphical interface and/or unlimited customization using the Womba API.


Womba Pilot


One-click piloting interface


Generic API
multi devices
2023.01.09 Recherches

Choice of peripherals

Web, desktop, smartphone, tablet, TV


Instant updates

No submission to stores


No additional cost

Modules included in the Womba subscription

A one-click and self-service piloting interface

Our one-click piloting interface (recommended for integrators) allows simplified, autonomous and fast customization of your apps, based on predefined templates. Thanks to our preview tool, test in real time the look & feel of your video offerings.

  • UX/UI and functional configuration: +100 predefined functionalities

  • Fluid and intuitive web interface: zero technical skills required

  • Real-time preview tool

  • History of releases and statistics for all client apps

Customizable elements

Examples of configuration options on mobile and TV

User features

Registration and authentication mode

Connection by QR Code (TV)

Access mode

By subscription and/or by the act

Video broadcast

Download and view in offline mode


Search by voice command (TV)

Ergonomic principles


Burger menu or Fixed menu

Configurable tabs

Positioning of strata


Choice of page templates (movie, category, etc.)

Choice of block display (metadata, recommendations, etc.)


Graphic elements
and typography

Logo, icons, font type and size…


Background, Header,


The API, a generic solution for designing custom templates

The API allows an unlimited customization of UX/UI elements of your FrontEnd apps thanks to an ultra-flexible layout module in the form of a grid.

  • Design of à la carte templates reflecting the client's brand identity

  • Creation of specific templates including event content

  • Management of all data from the client's IS/backoffice

  • Implementation by the client and/or by noOp according to the specifications provided


Customizable elements

Arrangement of all the elements composing the application

Blocks, images, texts, icons, styles, filters, variable metadata…

Metadata display

Poster, name and photo of the actors, synopsis, release date, next episodes…

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Contact us to get a quotation, information on our software solutions, schedule a demo
or discuss the prospects
​for a technical-commercial partnership

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