La Fête du Court enhances its screening tool on the institutional circuit with the MAM and the Womba Desktop App
La chaîne TV catholique française KTO voit le jour en 1999 avec l’ambition de faire découvrir la culture chrétienne et les merveilles de l’art sacré à tous les adeptes, curieux et passionnés de la religion catholique. Emissions de débats, témoignages, prières, documentaires et conférences : KTOtv offre une programmation variée et pour tous âges, disponible sur tous les périphériques (mobile, tablette et TV).
Our mission
La Fête du Court Métrage or Fête du Court is an annual event designed to raise awareness of the Art of short film among a wide audience.
For one week, film buffs and neophytes, young people and families can discover the diversity and richness of the short film format, in France and internationally, and all for free!
To mark the occasion, a programme is put together every year in collaboration with the Agence du Court Métrage.
The aim of this selection is to present the best short films, suitable for all ages and all audiences, while highlighting tomorrow's emerging talents in the film industry.
These initiatives offer everyone the chance to participate, exchange ideas, create, learn and make cinema accessible to all.
The schedule: events, meetings and image education workshops in several ambassador towns, 150 films for all generations!

La Fête du Court chose noOp to develop its desktop broadcasting platform, with the aim of offering users an experience identical to that of an in-theatre screening, smooth and without the hassle of an Internet connection.
The main technical challenges to be solved: broadcasting in secure environments (schools, media libraries, prisons, etc.), simplifying organisation by offering programmers an app that can be transported on any type of desktop device and offering new features that meet the specific needs of La Fête du Court.
Challenge solved!

(Android & iOS)
Download & Streaming
Secure network management (proxy management)
Stand Alone: compatible with all desktop devices / transportable via USB stick
End-user playlist customisation tool
noOp provided the customer with a MAM (Media Asset Manager) enabling them to digitise and publish their content independently, as well as a Desktop App enhanced with functions specific to institutional screenings: offline viewing and the ability for users to create and manage their own personalised playlists.