Creation of an accessible video player coupled with educational paths intended for students with disabilities.
Fovéa offers a set of digital educational paths accessible to all students in cycles 3 and 4, with or without disabilities. They are designed around short video extracts from ARTE documentaries on the theme of openness to the world.
Our mission
The accessible video player project coupled with accessible educational paths was coordinated by ARTE France in response to the “Innovative Digital Services” call for projects of the Future Investments Program (PIA). This consultation is intended to enrich the resources of the partners of Eduthèque, the portal for digital educational resources of large public cultural and scientific establishments with which the Ministry of National Education and Youth has entered into a partnership.



Speed variator
Setting up the subtitles
Interactive thumbnail banner
Deaf and hard of hearing subtitles
Audio description
Sign language, spoken language completed
Teachers' personal space
Service usage statistics module
Innovate in terms of accessible video players specifically designed for children attending inclusive classes (mixing students without disabilities and others with disabilities of different natures) and offer features aimed at developing digital teaching practices for teachers.
Project carried out in partnership with Bee propelled by Kinow.